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Illicit word, including the perpetrators of ransomware incidents and other cybercrime, often launder and cash out of their illicit proceeds using here asset service providers in jurisdictions that have not yet effectively implemented the international standards set by the inter-governmental Financial Action Task Force Ans.
Growth in decentralized financial ecosystems, peer-to-peer payment activity, and obscured blockchain ledgers without controls to mitigate illicit finance could also present additional market and national security risks in the future. Crypto arena evacuated United States must ensure appropriate controls and accountability for current and future digital assets systems to promote buy and sell world standards for transparency, privacy, and security в including through regulatory, governance, and technological worlld в that counter andd activities and preserve or enhance the efficacy of our national security tools.
When digital assets are abused or used in illicit ways, or undermine buy and sell world security, it is in the national interest to take actions to mitigate buy and sell world illicit finance and national security risks through regulation, oversight, law buy and sell world action, or use of other United States Government authorities.
The Worlf States has an interest in ensuring that it remains at the forefront of responsible development and design of digital assets and the technology that underpins new forms of payments and capital flows in the qnd financial system, particularly in setting standards that promote: democratic values; the rule of law; privacy; the protection of consumers, investors, and businesses; and interoperability with digital platforms, legacy architecture, check this out international payment systems.
The United States derives significant economic and national security benefits from the central role that the United States dollar and United States financial institutions and markets play in the global financial system. Continued United States leadership in the global financial system will sustain United States financial power and promote United States economic interests. Many Americans are underbanked and the costs of cross-border money transfers and payments are high.
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